Ganesha in Progress

Ganesha ©Amy Livingstone, Sacred Art Studio 2013

New devotional painting in progress (you can follow along at the Sacred Art Studio Facebook page). Ganesha, from the Hindu pantheon–worshiped throughout India and around the world as the remover of obstacles. He is certainly bringing a playful energy to my studio as I bring him to life on the canvas. So, it’s no surprise that this poem from the Sufi mystic, Hafiz, emerged this morning during my morning contemplative practices. Learn more about Ganesha here.

Where does the real poetry
Come from?
From the amorous sighs
In this moist dark when making love
With form or
Where does poetry live?
In the eye that says, “Wow wee,”
In the overpowering felt splendor
Every sane mind knows
When it realizes—our life dance
Is only for a few magic
From the heart saying,
“I’m so damn
(From “The Gift.” Translation by Daniel Ladinsky)